Thursday 8 April 2010

Hashtags #Sheffield #GE2010

A post this morning on OurKingdom pointed out a suggestion by to standardise hashtags for all Constituencies in the general election.
I was initially not sure about this being dictated in advance I am oldfasioned enough to remebr the back channel being something vaguely subversive that happened spontaneously but I can see the arguments that it will help with mash ups and other apps capturing this data especially on election night itself so I'll try and use them where appropriate alongside #GE2010 and #Sheffield.
One thing I do still object to about them is that as far as I am concerned the geek abbreviation for Sheffield is shef with only one f and not two.

The list of tags is:
Penistone & Stocksbridge #Penistone
Sheffield Central #SheffC
Sheffield South East #SheffSE
Sheffield, Brightside & Hillsborough #SheffBH
Sheffield, Hallam #SheffHm
Sheffield, Heeley #SheffHy

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